A) Generally – To demonstrate by all actions a respect for self, classmates
and teachers. In speech, in actions and behaviour, to carry out all work
and play according to the rules established by the staff for maximum safety
and maximum learning.

B) Specifically

  1. Reasonable quiet should be maintained.
  2. School uniform must be worn in class.
  3. Respect must be shown for all property. 
  4. Responsibility must be assumed for willful damage.
  5. Students’ desks and cubbies should be kept tidy.


A) Generally – In addition to the above general statement, children should
demonstrate a respect for the community property and be aware of the
unique way the facility is provided for and maintained. They should have a
sense of responsibility for property.

B) Specifically – Use of the facilities.

  1. Reasonable quiet around the school at all times.
  2. Respect for the facilities.

C) Personal Safety Rules and Property Rules

  1. No one is allowed in the gymnasium without permission.
  2. No food is permitted in the gymnasium.
  3. Only indoor runners may be worn in gymnasium.
  4. Walking only in the halls or on stairs.
  5. No gum in school.
  6. No littering inside or outside the building.
  7. Conflicts at recess, noon hour or before school should be reported to the teacher or supervisor on duty.
  8. Written notice is required before leaving the school grounds during school hours. Students leaving the grounds must be accompanied by an adult.
  9. Established fire and earthquake drill procedures must be followed.
  10. Students shall only allow entry to the school to school employees. If anyone else desires access to the school, the student shall call another staff person within the school to permit such entry.