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May 17th

Student Led Conference Update: 

The Student - Led conferences are this Thursday, May 18, from 12:30-7:00. Thank you for registering. Come and celebrate how far the students have come since the beginning of the year! *Note that this will not be a regular school day. Students will only attend school for their selected time slot with their parents.

Remember that during the conference, your child will follow an agenda to help them take the lead and demonstrate some highlights of what they have learned throughout the school year. The classroom space will be shared by 2-3 families at once, with the teacher circulating among you.

We encourage you to arrive on time so that your child can have the full 30 minutes to share their learning with you. It is preferable that siblings wait in the hall or play in the gym while the conference takes place, as the students have worked hard in preparation and deserve the full undivided attention of their parents. Families are also encouraged to visit the Learning Commons, wander the halls to take in the bulletin boards of the other classes and come and socialize in the Activity Room below the gym before returning home.

Uniform Sale:

You are invited to browse the previously worn collection of school uniforms from 12-5 on the day of Student Led Conferences. Items will be on display on the stage of the school gym. Please bring cash or cheque. All proceeds from the sale will go towards defraying various school expenses.